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    MLED Overview

    The MLED business is one of BOE's core strategies within the "1+4+N+Ecological Chain" framework, dedicated to providing innovative LED display sys- tems and solutions. It focuses on active matrix driv- ing COG direct view and backlight as the core break- through points, developing SMD/COB technologies side by side, and creating a portfolio of Mini/Micro LED product combinations. CEO:Yi Liu.

    • COG

      Substrate using semiconductor display technology with micron-level line fineness

    • AM Drive

      Unique active matrix drive architecture, AM point-to-point active drive

    • Healthy eye care

      Low blue light, flicker free, jitter free

    Naked-eye 3D
    Immersive Display

    Refresh Freguency
    Device Size
    Scanning Mode
    Main Screen Resolution
    Floor Screen Resolution
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    LED Display

    Composed of LED module panel splicing, used to display text, images, video and other kinds of information.

    Backlight Products

    Mini LED can be used as display backlight technology, using a large number of tiny LED chips behind the LCD screen to integrate the LED backlight matrix. Each unit of the matrix is independently controlled by Micro IC (Miniature Integrated Circuits), which matches the image brightness and darkness information to realize regional.

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